Apparently the approach of treating the wife of a transvestite is rela- tively new — not so long ago it would have been considered encouraging perversion - and, of course, the use of hypnosis speeds up the process considerably. I found the experience quite educational and rewarding learning to use the tool of self-hypnosis, in itself, has proven invaluable.
I have taken extensive notes on what occurred during those six sessions. I have been kind of toying around with the thought of writing a magazine article about my experiences if you felt that you could use such an article to benefit other transvestites and their wives, I'd do it for sure. Please let me have your comments and suggestions.
P. S. My husband just received a letter from "Stephanie" of Hollywood, Florida - her description of you is “delightful” and “dynamic"!
Dear Virginia,
In the last paragraph of your book "TV & wife," you request that those who have benefitted from it should let you know.
Although I am a bachelor transvestite in the middle years of life I have, all the same, gained very great benefit from it.
As a true FP my sole concern has been to give expression to the very strong feminism that is within me. I have never practiced it as incidental to anything else, and therefore have no sense of guilt and do not see why others should have either.
However, because of an overwhelming sense of the absurdity of the thing, I have always practiced it in secret.
I believe that many FP's confuse themselves by failing to distinguish between that which is wrong and that which may be only absurd. They fix their "guilt" on the wrong cause. If they could correct this mistaken view, they could then go on to see that it is not even absurd, but entirely rational, then acceptance of their true selves would follow easily.